Skip to main content hosted its inaugural Product Open Day event on March 20, 2024, showcasing its comprehensive lineup of in-house developed autonomous driving products. Yanye Tang, Partner and Vice President of Product and Operations at, shared the company’s forward-looking insights into the commercialization of autonomous driving and presented the Autowise product matrix, including Autowise V3, Roboard-X, Platforma-X, and others. He also highlighted the global commercial deployment and achievements in various sectors.

The comprehensive lineup of autonomous driving products developed by

Through its innovative “1+X” business model, has pioneered the integration of technology and business in the sanitation sector, emerging as a leading pioneer in the commercialization of autonomous driving technology in sanitation scenarios.

“As a revolutionary technological breakthrough, autonomous driving technology will create new productivity and reshape urban operating models,” stated Tang during the event. “Autonomous driving technology makes it possible to automate sanitation operations, freeing up labor to focus on more macroscopic vehicle management tasks, such as remotely managing multiple vehicles per person. This completely transforms traditional one-person-one-vehicle operating models, achieving innovative resource allocation. We will leverage the scaled application of autonomous driving technology to unlock ‘new quality productivity’ for urban development, enabling automation to undertake more intensive and even hazardous labor tasks, thereby improving overall productivity in sanitation operations through technological means and driving sustainable development in smart cities.”

Yanye Tang, Partner and Vice President of Product and Operations at

Tang emphasized three main reasons for Autowise’s focus on sanitation as the optimal direction for commercializing autonomous driving technology. Firstly, autonomous sanitation vehicles primarily operate in low-speed environments, offering higher safety and control compared to other application scenarios. Secondly, autonomous sweeping vehicles operating on public roads in cities need to identify not only conventional elements such as vehicles, pedestrians, and traffic lights but also recognize garbage, leaves, stones, potholes on the road surface, and perform precise edge cleaning. Accumulating experience in operating such highly complex scenarios helps build solid technological barriers. Lastly, the traditional sanitation industry is facing multiple challenges such as aging labor force, rising labor costs, difficulties in recruitment, and high job hazards, creating an urgent and widespread demand for the application of automated and unmanned sanitation equipment.

In March this year, unveiled the industry’s first “one vehicle, multiple uses” autonomous sanitation vehicle Platforma-X, a concentrated embodiment of innovative application of Roboard-X in sanitation scenarios. Moreover, Platforma-X adopts a driverless cabin design and achieves fully autonomous and integrated operations throughout the process, including self-starting self-check, scheduled operations, garbage dumping, automatic charging/refilling water tasks, reducing driver and manual charging/water refilling costs to zero.

Platforma-X in the sanitation sector is expected to become the optimal solution for urban sanitation with its advantages of flexibility, efficiency, safety, and reliability, accelerating the large-scale deployment of autonomous driving in sanitation scenarios. Product Open Day

In just a few years, has become one of the few autonomous driving companies to complete the expansion of all application scenarios for passenger cars, commercial vehicles, and shared chassis, and has also achieved significant results in global commercial ecological layout. Currently, has deployed nearly 300 autonomous sanitation vehicles in more than 30 cities worldwide, bringing more stable and efficient autonomous driving products and services to the global market, becoming the only domestic autonomous driving company to successfully deploy autonomous driving technology in overseas sanitation scenarios, and the autonomous driving company with the most overseas sanitation projects and the richest scenarios.

In China,’s autonomous sanitation vehicles have been operating regularly in cities such as Shanghai, Suzhou, Wuxi, Shenzhen, Hefei, and Chengdu, with the highest operational mileage and commercialization scenario quantity in the industry. For example, in Wuxi, Autowise V3 is conducting road sweeping operations covering nearly 9 million square meters, proving to be the best demonstration of Autowise’s autonomous sanitation vehicle commercial operation capabilities; in Suzhou’s Xiangcheng District High-speed Rail New City, Autowise’s autonomous sanitation vehicles automatically sweep on main roads and auxiliary pedestrian roads, covering an area of approximately 18.185 km in length and 550,000 square meters in total.

Autowise V3 in Shanghai, Suzhou, Wuxi

Internationally, Autowise has accurately identified common problems in the European sanitation market such as high labor costs and adverse climate environments in the Middle East, combined with successful experience in domestic operations, achieved rapid delivery of products, provided stable and efficient operation services, and currently deployed in the Middle East and Europe such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany. For example, in the Middle East market, Autowise V3 has landed in Dubai, replacing manual sweeping operations in the hot and humid climate environment near famous landmarks such as the Burj Al Arab hotel; in the European market, Autowise V3 has landed in the logistics distribution center of SPAR, a major retail giant in Europe, operated by James Hall, completing fully autonomous sweeping operations in complex operating environments and adverse weather conditions.

Autowise V3 in Dubai, Riyadh, Preston

Currently, the autonomous sanitation sector is at a critical turning point in the industry. According to projections by EO Intelligence based on data from the National Bureau of Statistics and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the market size of autonomous sanitation operations will reach 270 billion yuan by 2025, and the penetration rate of autonomous sanitation vehicles in China will rise to 5%, indicating enormous market potential. With long-term accumulation in the sanitation sector, is committed to transforming autonomous driving technology into a “new quality productivity” for urban management, facilitating the deep transformation and upgrading of the sanitation industry, and providing a new path for building smarter, more efficient, and greener future cities.